The Berkeley Lecce
Programme 2024
Next events
Friday December 13th
at 5.30 pm (ore 17.30)
at Chiesa di San Nicola di Mira
piazzetta della Chiesa Greca
Lecce 73100
Christmas with the Berkeley

Past events
Saturday November 30th
at 15.30 pm
at Abbazia di Cerrate
15.45: guided visit in English/Italian
16.30: presentation of the FAI group
17.oo: Isabella Oztasciyan, Orthodox Manascicism in Terra d'Otranto. The Cerrate Abbey.
Music performance and light refreshments
Please book here
Ponte tra Culture
inaugural event

Wednesday October 16th
at 15:30
Aula Magna
Please book your seat here
max 20 people
Challenges Facing Reporters Today.
Still Speaking Truth to Power?
Kate Adie
Chief News Correspondent for BBC News

Friday June 7th
at 18:00
at Susan's place
(talk and picnic)
Please book your seat here
and bring along some food/drinks
Antonio Verrio,
the internationally acclaimed artist from Lecce
Hilda Caffery and Susan Arculus

Visit to the Cutrofiano Pottery Museum
with lunch at Pesce Frittu e Baccalà
Museum visit + lunch:
Berkeley members €15
non members €33
Museum visit only:
Berkeley members free
non members €3
Sunday September 8th
Tour starts at 11:00 am
We have hired a bus to get to the masseria all together!
We will meet at Piazza Carmelo Bene (Foro Boario) at 9:30 and get back there at 15:00.
Contribution for transport and refreshments:
members €5 per person
non-members €15 per person
Please book your place here
max 20 people
Guided tour of Patience Gray's masseria
Patience Gray was the first writer to introduce Salento cooking to the world. She wrote the cult food classic Honey from a Weed, recently translated into Chinese, directly from her kitchen close to Presicce-Acquarica.
Her son, Nicholas Gray, will take us on a 'living museum' tour around the rustic masseria, the wild gardens and sculpture park she shared with the artist Norman Mommens, sculptor "at the end of the world".
Refreshments afterwards.
Finland balancing between East and West
Juha and Päivi Järvelä
both retired, continuing studies in military history and industrial pharmacy

The Mediterranean:
everything you didn't know.
From mythology to biodiversity and beyond.
Senem Önen Tarantini
Marine biologist and researcher for the European Research Infrastructure Consortium

Friday January 19th
at 18:15
at Museo Castromediano
viale Gallipoli, 31
Lecce 73100
Please book your seat here
Museum Tour
led by
Mary Coppola